Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Middle Child

Herman is the middle of 7 children.  The exact middle.  It goes like this:

Brother, Brother, Sister, Herman, Sister, Brother, Brother

Did you know there is a middle child syndrome?  And Herman was crazy enough to marry a middle child like himself!

Check out this great blog I found on middle children called Middle Child Personality.

What is your birth order?  Calling all middle children to share what they know about their personality.  Or better yet, check out the blog above and do the quiz and let us know what your issues are - very interesting!!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Roughriders...from Saskatchewan


Get your mind out of the's a CFL Team.  The Saskatchewan Roughriders is Herman's favourite Canadian Football League team. I am pretty sure Herman does not have a favourite NFL team. He likes Canadian Football even though I still do not understand why they have  2 - 50 yard lines.  Herman also says Canadian Footballs are 'bigger'.  Does that even make sense?  And what is with 3 downs, not 4? 

They have very funny costumes when they play....

Oh...these are fans - Herman keeps threatening to wear one but we have yet to see it! 

Thursday, September 16, 2010

When Were You Born

If you know Herman, and even if you don't, you will know he was:

Born at night, not last night
When were you born?  Herman was actually born on December 18, 1962.

Does this describe Herman?
Optimistic and freedom-loving
Jovial and good-humored
Honest and straightforward
Intellectual and philosophical

and on the side we don't want to see so much....

Blindly optimistic and careless
Irresponsible and superficial
Tactless and restless

What sign are you?  How do you compare to Herman?  Are you an Archer too?  What are the traits that stand out to you the most?

Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Weather Creaps In

Time to add to the story of Herman!!

"Don't snow a snowman!" 

I am sure that you have heard that saying.  Whether it is a 'weather' term or one that you just simply shook your head because he said it many times with disdain in his know what I am talking about.

Herman will say "Don't snow a snowman" when he thinks that you are trying to put one over on him or just trying to get away with something..anything. 

The saying is especially useful in work environments where there are many people (or types of technology) that can be blamed. 
Trust me, Herman ALWAYS figures it out!

There are more sayings and stories out you have one to share?